It has been a solid month since my last missive, dear readers, if indeed you are still reading. For this, I apologize.
I could claim many convenient excuses, such as: "I was sledding!" or "I was at a conference and then ate too much and fell asleep for a while!" or "I felt like I had to provide you with some real content, and since I am just living a regular life I didn't write because I didn't want you to feel cheated!"
All those are true, of course.
But here I am, again, still, in Oslo. The sledding was absolutely great. The Korketrekkeren is a bobsled run that was built for the 1952 (? I think) Olympics, and is now a snow-park extravaganza. The idea: rent a sled at the top, or bring your own. Ride down the ~3km twisty hill and fall off and bruise your ass and giggle insanely the whole time. Stand up, grab your sled, and hop on the metro, because that's where the end of the hill lands you. Wait for the metro to take you back to the top. Repeat this until it gets dark or you really need some hot chocolate, or whiskey, or both. I am going every weekend until there is no more snow, which might be June, who knows.
I went to a conference which an assortment of friends also attended - it was a good one. Because it was near Pisa, we then went to Carnevale in Venice. Venice is so beautiful I really don't even want to talk about it, really. So there's a picture up there at the top of myself and a few other people looking pretty pleased with ourselves about the whole thing.
Other that than, just plain livin' here in Oslo - snow and public transportation and science and spaghetti and pool playin and bike riding and a cat and all of the things that make up a nice round life. At least this one. Miss you all and send a note when you get a chance.